Many people are now looking at foreign exchange market as a favorable way to make money by trading currency. Recently a trading contest was held for members with live accounts in foreign exchange. The results showed that the first three winners of the contest had twice increased their investments in a month’s times. Some other contestants had also had very good returns. But this is not the case for every one. In fact only 30% of people trading in Forex actually make profits. The rest 70% lose a lot of money doing trading. If you are trading in Forex, there are 50% chances of either losing or profiting. This is because for every exchange of currency, one person lose and the other profits.
A simpleton might assume that those making profits have inside knowledge of where to make the best profits or they somehow manage to manipulate the market to suit their needs. But this is far from truth. Like mentioned earlier, the foreign exchange, market is the biggest trading market in the world. Hence, unlike the futures or the equities market, it is not an easy task to manipulate it. Governments of countries like the USA, the UK and Japan have tried to get the market in their favor, but they haven’t met with any success. It is difficult to get the market to suit your needs because all the traders have access to the all the market information at the same time.
So how do the 30% of traders manage to make profit when the majority seems to be losing? The simple answer is that these traders have good money management skills. They are well aware of the ups and down of the market. Their trading strategies, though a secret, are the best in the industry. Along with that they also know that the currency market is about making and losing money. Since they have recognized the risks of the trade, they are better able to cope with their losses, in case.
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